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  • Bridging the skills gap in AM: The European Sector Skills Strategy Roadmap to 2030 is now out to support the growth and competitiveness of the sector

Bridging the skills gap in AM: The European Sector Skills Strategy Roadmap to 2030 is now out to support the growth and competitiveness of the sector

The Erasmus+ blueprint for skills in Additive Manufacturing (AM), the SAM project, has released its Skills Strategic Roadmap to 2030 outlining key challenges of the Additive Manufacturing sector and a strategy to overcome the obstacles and fully deploy AM technology for a faster, green and digital recovery.

The objective of the SAM project is to define a strategic framework for the recognition and anticipation of skills’ needs to maximize the impact of Additive Manufacturing in production lines. In this context, the Roadmap presents the overall guidance for implementing the strategy for skills development in AM until 2030. The Sector Skills Strategy outlines the path that the SAM project is going to take for the following years of activities, stressing on the fast-paced changes of the Sector and how the Skills Strategy will necessarily evolve, adapt and adjust to current and   future trends   in Additive       Manufacturing,    also    considering   the disruption that the current pandemic situation has on the industrial ecosystem.

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