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METABUILDING DIGITAL PLATFORM: the construction ecosystem

METABUILDING is an innovation ecosystem with the aim of connecting stakeholders (small-medium enterprises to public bodies and large companies) from different sectors in order to create an integrated value chain.. The members of METABUILDING bring opportunities and innovation to the built environment sector.  

It has developed the METABUILDING platform : a  digital platform of the innovation ecosystem. 

The platform consists on a single entry point for  several digital tools and services that help SMEs and other stakeholders engage in successful innovation. In this platform, you will find services and information that will assist you in finding existing innovative technologies ready to deploy or project partners seeking collaboration on exciting new projects.

The overall objective is to facilitate collaboration between companies and experienced innovation experts to bring innovative solutions to the construction sector.

This tool will be presented in the coming AM-Platform meeting on October 21st.

Access the platform and join on:

Project funded by the European Commission and the EISMEA under G.A. No. 873964


The AM-Platform meeting will be held on 21st October 2022 at Altis Grand Hotel, Lisbon, kindly hosted by EWF. It is free of charge.

Timetable to be confirmed but we expect from 9.00-14.00 CET.  One of the main aims will be the revision of the current roadmap in place and among other actions, include defence as a new key sector for AM in Europe. You can check and downloaded previous roadmap here.

Draft agenda:




Welcome and introduction -Martin Schaeffer-AM Platform (Siemens)


Update on AM standardisation developments

Mr. Klas Boivie (SINTEF), Ms. Cyrielle  Fournier (UMN)


International AM Skills development 

Mr. Eurico Assuncao (EWF)


AM: ongoing research activities and topics and future perspectives

Mr. Georgios Valsamos-European Commision


AM strategy in the USA

Teresa Mefi-Lincoln Electric, USA



Networking Coffee break


The role of additive manufacture in enabling a circular economy

Michael Morris-AMBER

Additive manufacturing in the transformation of the Portuguese Industry

Antonio J. Pontes-Minho University


AM in Materials 2030 Roadmap and EUMAT working group

Ms. Amaya  Igartuga (EUMAT, Tekniker)



Roadmap for AM industrialisation in several sectors: introduction and dynamics

Paula Queipo-AM Platform (IDONIAL) & All



End of the meeting


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SAM project: International Metal AM Coordinator -Advanced Training Course

The International AM Qualification System (IAMQS), developed under the framework of the European SAM project is composed by a set of qualifications for different proficiency levels in the field of AM technologies, grounded in industry requirements and validated by experts.The System uses a modular structure composed by units for learning outcomes to describe the expected knowledge and skills acquired by trainees after the successful completion of the training courses. 

Currentlty vacancies are open to register in the next IAMQS -advanced training course on " Metal AM coordinator" . 

About the Course: 

  • Format: Online training
  • Proficiency level : Advanced (Aligned with EQF 6)
  • Estimated duration : 175 Hours (approx. 25 hours training / month)
  • Period: Starting in November 2022 and ending in May 2023 
  • Contents: CU 00: Additive manufacturing Process Overview; CU 01: DED-Arc Process ; CU 08: DED-LB Process ; CU 15: PBF-LB Process; CU 25: Post Processing; CU 34: Process selection ; CU 35: Metal AM integration CU 36: Coordination activities; CU 75 BJ Process

Registration here