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Industrial technology roadmap for circular technologies

ERA Industrial technology roadmap for circular technologies and business models in the textile, construction and energy-intensive industries.These industries stand out for their resource intensity and waste generation, but also their potential for circularity thereby contributing overall to the circular economy.

This  roadmap is an important element of the New European Innovation Agenda to align research and innovation investments at EU and national levels to foster the development and uptake of innovative technologies within a pan-European Innovation Ecosystem. It emphasises the need to develop innovative technologies, notably deep tech innovations, for the entire lifecycles of products and materials, from sourcing of raw materials, design and production to use, collection, recycling, and reuse.

The roadmap analyses 92 technologies for circularity in these three ecosystems. They address all stages of a material’s and product’s life cycle and are diverse, ranging from use of bio-based or recycled materials in the textile ecosystem, to additive and robotic manufacturing or telematics in the construction ecosystem, to end-of-life technologies in the energy-intensiveindustries ecosystem.

Download a copy:

Call for papers! -2nd European Military AM Symposium

2nd European Military Additive Manufacturing Symposium
DATE: 17th and 18th October 2023 | Maritim Hotel Bonn | Germany
The German Association for Defence Technology - Centre for Studies and Conferences will organise the 2nd European Military Additive Manufacturing (AM) Symposium  in Bonn, Germany, to discuss the military perspective of AM. This symposium is supported by the European Defence Agency (EDA).
The symposium intends m to address all the advantages and limitations from the perspective of industry, research and armed forces. It is setup to foster the mutual understanding of:
• what is already possible
• what is expected to come in the future
• where are the limits of the diverse stakeholders and what needs to be done to raise the treasure built in Additive Manufacturing
With this Call for Papers you are invited to submit your proposal for a lecture in English language, max 250 words, no attachments.
.Deadline is 22nd of March 2023. Please send your proposal This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The program committee will review all the proposals and authors will be notified in April 2021.
If you are interested in an exhibition stand, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Further information, registration for participants and exhibitors is from now on available at:

contribute to AM skills surveys!!

SAM project is running the last round of studies to identify which Additive Manufacturing skills and profiles are required by industry and felt by workers.

If you are an employer/company fill in theSURVEY

Link: Employers   -

Objective:  to identify what kind of Additive Manufacturing skills companies are looking for in a candidate considered the emergent needs (to be addressed within one year). 

If you are a worker or wish to work in AM SURVEY 

Link:AM Professional/ Workforce  -

Objective:  to identify current AM skills , knowledge and new job needed within one year.

The surveys will be available until 20 February. Thank you for helping us in designing Europe’s AM present and future!

Read here about previous studies in the AM Observatory > AM Reports