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  • European technology Sub-platform in Additive manufacturing: be aware of the latest advances on AM and 3D printing technologies and network with key stakeholders.
  • European technology Sub-platform in Additive manufacturing: be aware of the latest advances on AM and 3D printing technologies and network with key stakeholders.
  • European technology Sub-platform in Additive manufacturing: be aware of the latest advances on AM and 3D printing technologies and network with key stakeholders.

What is the AM-platform?

The AM-platform is a free of charge virtual central European area for all subject related to Additive Manufacturing (hereafter named AM)

The objective of the AM-platform is to contribute to a coherent strategy, understanding, development, dissemination and exploitation of AM.

AM is fragmented. Lots of organizations are working or doing research in this area but there is no coherent strategy and several interpret the subject differently. There is no central organization or place for peoples to for instance ask questions, to start a discussion, to find expertise, or to up- or download an interesting paper or article.

This platform helps to achieve the Lisbon & Gothenburg objectives as defined by the EC (to become the most dynamic and most competitive knowledge-based economy by 2010 and achieving sustainability by 2030).

The AM-platform is active since 2007 (formerly as the RM-platform)

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Main activities

  • Creating a sound critical mass of stakeholders throughout Europe
  • Vision paper: establishment and agreement on a common vision for the RM technology up to 2020.
  • Strategic Research Agenda (SRA): definition the necessary medium to long term objectives and R&D topics to achieve the Visions.
  • Implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda with the mobilisation of significant human and financial resources.

A number of general action points have been identified for European Technology Platforms in the leaflet on Cordis:

In the short term:

  • Move into the operational phase by setting up research and development activities;
  • Mobilise a wide range of funding sources;
  • Develop dissemination and deployment strategies, and take account of future education and training needs;
  • Assess key issues, such as intellectual property rights, regulation and standards;
  • Implement the code of practice for openness and transparency;
  • Explore the potential for large-scale, long-term public-private partnerships (‘Joint Technology Initiatives').

In the longer term:

  • Monitor the implementation of Strategic Research Agendas and adapt them, as necessary;
  • Contribute to shaping future technologies and European research, innovation and industrial policies at regional, national and European level.